Events, Resources

Creating an unschooling network

The current education system is influenced by an agenda of misinformation.

They teach disproven theories and control propaganda intentionally to confuse and subdue our children from their light.

But what other option do we have?

Most all alternative options to mainstream schooling are predominantly government funded and can quite easily be influenced by the same folk with the same agenda.

If the teachings don’t fit the agenda they can shut them down by removing the funding that these alternative schools rely on.

It is time to create a self sustaining network of homeschooling and unschooling that can grow exponentially across communities without relying on external funding or influence.

Giving our new earth creators and their parents the resources and connections to thrive.
A holistic school of natural living.

I have now released 230 pages of modules plus have begun a video training library.

Next step is to build our school network and start running regular nature workshop sessions with a focus on fun, creative learning and honing natural living skills to thrive more freely outside of the broken system. 🌱

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